Create and share your own video or collaborate with other creatives.
Earn from what you build, build revenue sharing pipelines with your production team.
Upload video, Digital Cinema Packages (DCP) or movie components.
Share for free or charge per use for movies or movie components, whether lone producer or studio.
Subscribe to channels, watch free or paid content, build communities around studios and channels.
Jeskei is built on the principles of decentralisation which ensures you retain ownership of what you create and earn fairly.
- Upload and share video
- Offer free view channels or charge for access
- Distribute Digital Cinema Packages (DCP) to theatres or home users
- Create DCP's that recognise contributors and distribute fees fairly
- Highly targeted advertising is matched on the users own device giving advertisers the best targetted consumer fit while protecting the consumers identity
- View content on the web, mobile devices or Dolby theatre systems
- Create communities around content and creatives, raise funding for new productions, take control of the revenue so it doesn't all go to the studio but is shared fairly by the whole cast and crew
Jump in and learn more about the Jeskei project including the project itself, the founder, the DAO governance model and fund raising activities.